- Blueberries, sugar. 110g of fruit used per 100g of jam. Made with blueberries grown and harvested in Valtellina or Brianza (Lombardy), processed at low temperature and in a vacuum. Without added pectins.
Nutritional facts
- (per 100g) Calories 159 Kcal 643 Kj Total Fat 0,3g Saturated Fat, 0g Total carbohydrate 40g Sugars 36g Fiber 2,6g Protein 0,7g Salt <0,001g
Expiration and storage
Domande frequenti
Our jams have a very high fruit content, ranging from 100% to 130% fruit per 100 grams of product, with little added sugar. Sugar helps give structure to the product, so if the fruit is naturally low in pectin, either natural pectin from lemon peel is added, or the jam, although very concentrated, will have a softer consistency.
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Informazioni prodotto:CNF-MIR
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